Friday, May 16, 2008

Uban Legands

To ease the pain of a bee sting, tape a copper penny to it.
i dont know about this, i've actually tried it before and it doesnt work.
but i may be wrong, i may just be weird.

You have recieve a postcard for a family member! (virus)
so this is true. and i believe it. post cards are retarded anyway.
so why open it, its not even worth it.

chewing gum takes 7 years to pass through the digestive system.
this is DEFF. false. i happen to chew and swallow my gum. i have
ever since i started chewing gum. i dont know why. so if this myth
was true, i would have a huge ball of gum in my stomach, and i dont.

a bar of soap between the bed sheets will prevent leg cramps.
ok seriously? theres no way this could be true. the only thing
that would happen if you do this is you would wake up in the
morning with a half melted bar of soap and a mess. gosh.

girl gives birth to octopus.
dont even get me started.
seriously, come on now.

an american flag should be burned if its allowed to touch the ground.
it says that this is false. therefore, the thing that i have beleived in my
whole life is false. what is this world coming to?

eating turkey makes people sleepy.
it says this is false, although i always get
tired. thats just me though, and anna and
brittney birge