Friday, May 2, 2008

Top 10 list

My list of top ten...anything!

1.) My favorite food - italian beef. i could live of off italian beef, like for every meal of the day. its amazing.
2.) my second favorite person - Justine Lee. justine is awesome, like super awesome. shes probably one of my heroes. and she makes fun of my speech.
3.) my third favorite emotion - happyness. its good to be happy, who doesnt like to be happy. i know i like it.
4.) my fourth favorite drink - dr. pepper. its a pretty good soda, but its not the best. It also beats many of the sodas out there, soo its number four.
5.) my fifth favorite sport to watch - i only like to watch five sports. the least favorite is golf. i only watch it when im at my grandparents house. it sucks.
6.) my sixth favorite candy - charleston chews. theres pretty darn good, but its one of those thigs where i have to be in the mood for them, otherwise they dont impress me.
7.) my seventh favorite book - i dont remember the title, buut i remember that its about a fat kid who loves to cook for the girl of his dreams. its good.
8.) my eighth favorite pillow - i like pillows, but i only like some pillows. so my eighth favorite is a white pillow. theyre boring.
9.) my ninth favorite saying - "like ok dude." seriously, its cool but not that cool.
10.) my tenth favorite color - black. its boring, unless its with another cool color.

thee end.